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Details for China MgO

MgO 1309-48-4

Category :

Food and Feed additives

CAS NO : 1309-48-4
EC NO : 215-171-9
MF : MgO
MW : 40.3044
Synonyms : magnesium oxide light;magnesiumoxideheavy;magnesiumoxidemeshwhitepowder;magnesiumoxidefusedcrystalswhitextl;magnesium oxide 96.0+ % for analysis;akro-mag;animag;anscorp;burnt magnesia;calcined brucite;calcined magnesite;calcinedbrucite;calcinedmagnesite;ci77711;corox;dynamag;dynatherm;elastomag 100;elastomag100;elastomag170;electromagnesia;electromagnesia (magnesium oxide);encapsulated mgo;flamarret;fused magnesium oxide;magnesium oxygen(-2) anion;Magnesia;Magnesium oxide anhydrous;
Molecular Structure : MgO 1309-48-4