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  • AA/HPA  55719-33-0

    ;2-Propenoic acid 2-hydroxypropyl ester polymer with 2-propenoic acid ;aa/hpa ;Acrylic acid-2-hydroxypropyl acrylate-methyl acrylate copolymer ;acrylic acid-hydroxypropy... >>>

    Hangzhou ICH Biofarm Co.,Ltd.    
  • AA2G  129499-78-1

    ;L-Ascorbic acid, 2-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-;AA-2G;ascorbic acid 2-O-glucoside;ASCORBYL GLUCOSIDE, ASCORBIC ACID-2- GLUCOSIDE;2-O-A-D-GLUCOPYRANOSYL-L-ASCORBIC ACID;2-O... >>>

    3C Chemical Co., Ltd.    

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