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Details for China Butyl benzoate

Butyl benzoate 136-60-7

Category :


Butyl benzoate
CAS NO : 136-60-7
EC NO : 205-252-7
MF : C11H14O2
MW : 178.23
Specification : 200kg
Packing : plastic drums
Product description : It is a good harmonic, modifying, diluting and deodorant.Suitable for ambergris, orange blossom, sweet bean flower, grass orchid, vegetarian orchid, rose musk, vanilla, wild rose type fragrance.It is suitable for use with ylang ylang in heavy floral fragrances such as fragrant caryophyllus.
Uses : Fragrance and Flavor;Food Industry
Synonyms : Butyl Benzoate;2-butylbenzoate;Benzoic acid n-butyl ester;BB;
Molecular Structure : Butyl benzoate 136-60-7