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Details for TC Cartap

TC Cartap

Category :


TC Cartap
CAS NO : 15263-53-3
EC NO : 239-309-2
MF : C7H15N3O2S2
MW : 237.3429
Product description : Cartap hydrochloride is used against a relatively broad spectrum of insects, e.g., Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera and Hemiptera. It is especially effective against Lepidopter such as the rice stem borer, diamond-back moth and common cabbage worm, and Coleoptera such as the Colorado potato beetle, Mexican bean beetle.etc.
Synonyms : S,S'-2-Dimethylaminopropane-1,3-diyl (dithiocarbamate); ;S,S'-[2-(dimethylamino)propane-1,3-diyl] dicarbamothioate;
Molecular Structure : TC Cartap 15263-53-3