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Details for China Lithium Oxide

Lithium Oxide 12057-24-8

Category :


Lithium Oxide
CAS NO : 12057-24-8
EC NO : 235-019-5
MF : Li2O
MW : 29.8814
Specification : 99% 99.9%
Packing : Drum lined with plastic bags, 25kg/ barrels
Product description : Appearance: White powder or solid shell. Ionic compounds. Relative density 2.013g/cm3. Melting point is 1567 degrees C (1840K). Boiling point 2600. 1000 degrees above the beginning of sublimation. It has the highest melting point of each element in the first group (IA) (alkali metal).
Uses : Used in the production of lithium.
Synonyms : Lithiumoxideminwhitepowder;dilithium oxide;
Molecular Structure : Lithium Oxide 12057-24-8