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Details for corn gluten meal

corn gluten meal

Category :

Inorganic chemicals

corn gluten meal
CAS NO : 66071-96-3
MF :
MW :
Product description :

Packaging: 50kg/bag
Appearance: Yellow powder
Customs Code: 2309901000

Function: Corn protein powder mainly contains gliadin and gluten, rich in amino acids and natural lutein. As an important protein source for formula feed, it can promote better digestion and absorption of some proteins in the rumen, and has high feeding value.

Storage: It should be kept clean, ventilated, dry, strictly protected from sunlight and rain, and ignition is strictly prohibited; Do not stack with toxic, harmful, corrosive, or odorous items.

Safety: Dust is flammable and explosive.

Product Application: Mainly used as a raw material for poultry, pigs, cows, fish, and other animal feed, providing a source of protein.

1)Protein: 60%MIN
2)Moisture: 10% Max
3)Ash: 5% Max
4)Fat: 3% Max

Appearance --- Yellow or light yellow powder, no visible impurity Conforms to standard
Colour --- Yellow or light yellow Confirms to standard
Protein %(wet basis) Morn than 62.0 Confirms to standard
Moisture % Less than 10.0 Confirms to standard
Fibre % Less than 2.5 Conforms to standard
Ash % Less than4.0 Conforms to standard
Fat % Less than 2.5 Conforms to standard
AFLATOXIN % Less than 20ppb Conforms to standard
Synonyms : Corn Gluten (Meal);