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Details for China furfuryl alcohol

furfuryl alcohol 98-00-0

Category :

Catalyst and Auxiliary

furfuryl alcohol
CAS NO : 98-00-0
EC NO : 202-626-1
MF : C5H6O2
MW : 98.1004
Synonyms : 2-Furan methanol;FA;2-Furylmethanol;2-Furfuryl Alcohol (FA);alpha-Furylcarbinol;5-Hydroxymethylfuran;2-Furfurylalkohol;2-Hydroxymethylfuran;3-fluoro-D-alanine;2-Furfuryl alcohol;Furfurol;2-furfur methy alcohol;
Molecular Structure : furfuryl alcohol 98-00-0